ABOUT the project

With “RECORD” project, the partners want to take advantage of the new technological and digital solutions to set the conditions for further enhancement and exploitation of the potential of Cultural Heritage as a driver of sustainable growth in jobs and business within the frame of an ever more competitive and globalized tourism market.

RECORD promotes sustainable digital innovation in the tourism and tourism-related service offer connected with lesser- known traditional and cultural festival in peripheral areas of Europe through interactive digital innovation grounded on Augmented Reality (AR) technologies.

RECORD equips the wider tourism ecosystem of festival tourism in peripheral European regions with innovative digital architectures of disclosure and marketability of tourism offer and Cultural Heritage embedded in cultural and traditional festival based on interactive architectures of Augmented Reality. The project includes the creation of a Virtual Repository and an APP of augmented reality functional to the categorization and interactive disclosure of Cultural Heritage, business and service information related to cultural/traditional festivals in peripheral regions of Europe, connecting the latter with the creation of new capacities of training provisions in the VET field.


▪ Identify and map cultural heritage, tourism offer, and services connected with cultural and traditional cultural in a set of select peripheral regions of Europe;

▪ Identify cultural tourism preferences and profiling the existing categories of consumers in cultural tourism.

▪ Enhance the visibility and marketability of tourism offer and services connected with cultural/traditional cultural in peripheral European regions and of the related material/immaterial heritage through innovative and user-friendly architectures of customized disclosure tailored to customers’ profiles;

▪ Use digital innovation in the provision of tourism and tourism-related offer and services connected with cultural tourism through the integration of interactive, personalized and attractive modes of disclosure and supply grounded on Augmented Reality ensuring full exploitation of the capillary diffusion of mobile device technologies;

▪ Develop new VET capacities and offer to allow the provision of sectorial training targeted at actual and prospective professionals in the field of tourism and tourism-related services with a focus on exploiting and implementing the opportunities of tourism service visibility, marketability and innovative digital delivery provided by Augmented Reality;

▪ Set the stage of exploitation of project digital architectures by tourism and service operators established in the identified geographical niches of cultural tourism in a perspective of sustained impact and geographic transferability to further cultural tourism clusters in partner countries and Europe.

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